DAP LOGISTICS provides courier service for the pick up and delivery of your time sensitive packages.
We get yours hipments to their destination safely. The DAP LOGISTICS team of service representatives, dispatchers and couriers are skilled and professional with the know-how to meet your deadlines with dependable delivery service.

Typicall your couriers pick up the pack age within 90 minutes of your call. Simply call us to requests a me day service. Provide the address of pick up, a contact person and information about your package, we will also need the delivery information. A messenger will be immediately dispatched to pick up your package. If you do not have an account we accept major credit cards. Upon delivery we can email your proof of delivery information.

DAP LOGISTICS providesnationwidesamedaydeliveryacrosstheworld. Regardless of shipmentsize, anenvelopeto a truckload, goingacrosstownoracrossthe country, we are yourone stop solution. We can simplifyyourvendormanagementtoonecall and oneinvoiceforallyouroffices’ messengerrequirements.

With DAP LOGISTICS scheduled delivery services, our customers get daily pick-ups for their many types of deliveries. Bank deposits, medical record & tissues ample transport, interoffice deliveries, archival retrieval, or what every our planned services require, DAP Logistics is ready to be there on time and on-schedule.

The epitome of speedy delivery, we will rush your part, surgical instrumentationort issues ample the fastest manner possible – by landor by air and get your business back in business. Any cargo, anytime, anyplace.

In order to provide the best possible service and in complete TSA compliance, we need to know exactly what you are shipping, its approximate weight and when it will be ready. The exact address of the pick up location as well as the delivery point. We will verify your shipping status, flight options and delivery times with you, although we will not provide you with exact airlines & flight details. We usually pick up within 90 minutes - please note that 100% of air cargo is screened and there foreit will need to arrive at the airport a few hours prior to departure. We track the shipments status and flight status. Shortly after arrival at the destination airportour courier will retrieve your shipment and deliverit. Please note: we do not ship personal house holdgoods due to government regulations on commercial airlines, nor do we shiplive animals. DAP LOGISTICS provides door to door service. Charter flights are also available.